Sports Healing Travel - Seru nya melihat klub sports lokal

By. Coach Humble - 07 Nov 2023


Hello sobat humble, (Please scroll down for English translated version)


Kemarin pada saat saya travel ke Melbourne, Australia. Saya menyempatkan diri untuk melihat salah satu klub olahraga basket terbesar di Australia, namanya Berwick Basketball Club. Pas saya datang , saya sempat melihat beberapa pertandingan basket untuk anak umur 9-10 tahun.


Disini saya realize bahwa bagi saya yang menyukai olahraga, melihat orang lain berolahraga ternyata adalah kegiatan yang sangat healing juga lho. Saya sangat happy to see anyone menikmati olahraga as much as I do. Dan juga sangat senang melihat betapa pihak orang tua dari anak tersebut sangat mensupport kegiatan olahraga dari anak. And vice versa, betapa happynya anak nya pada saat melakukan sesuatu yang fantastic, pasti langsung lihat orang tua nya.


Nah pada saat kalian travel, coba dech visit local gym/ local sports center. Selain menambah experience yang ngak generik, juga membuat kita healing. Happy lihat orang happy.


Jangan sungkan2 ya untuk contacted me
  - whatsapp - Klik aja tombol whatsapp di pojok kanan bawah
  - ataupun DM saya di instagram,


- Have a safe travel, Coach Humble-


Hello humble friends,

Yesterday when I traveled to Melbourne, Australia. I took the time to see one of the biggest basketball sports clubs in Australia, called Berwick Basketball Club. When I arrived, I saw several basketball matches for children aged 9-10 years.

Here I've realized that for me who likes sports, watching other people exercise turns out to be a very healing activity too, you know. I am very happy to see anyone enjoying sports as much as I do. And also very happy to see how much the child's parents really support the child's sports activities. And vice versa, how happy the child is when h/she does something fantastic, his parents will immediately see.


So, when you travel, try visiting a local gym/local sports center. Apart from adding a non-generic experience, it also makes us healing. Happy to see happy people.


Don't hesitate to contact me
   - WhatsApp - Just click the WhatsApp button in the bottom right corner
   - or DM me on Instagram,

- Have a safe travel, Coach Humble-

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Coach Humble
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